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AI Business

AI Transformation beyond Digital Transformation

The emergence of super-large AI models enables business innovation through AI transformation that goes beyond digital transformation. Cloocus‘s artificial intelligence service supports businesses with data and AI technology to help customers create higher value. We provide AI/ML services through a specialized AI Business Center.

AI Business provided by Cloocus Accelerate your innovation with!

What We Offer

Cloocus supports customers’ business growth with unrivaled AI delivery technology and differentiated services.
Analytical AI
  • Build an advanced analysis environment using AI/ML tools
  • Deriving data insights and enrichment
  • Data learning environment construction and modeling (ML/DL)
  • Building MLOps pipelines and automating the learning process
  • Demand forecasting, classification and clustering, etc.
Generative AI
  • Building an LLM infrastructure environment
  • Introduction and use of cloud-based generative AI
  • Development of generative AI applications for work efficiency (4Track chatbot development, report writing, etc.)
Business intelligence
  • Provides business intelligence using tools such as Power BI and Looker
  • Build customized dashboards tailored to customer needs

Cloud-based AI/ML process

Cloocus supports companies’ successful cloud adoption and utilization based on best practices of the Cloud Adoption Framework.

① Model exploration

  • Explore appropriate ML/DL models to solve your company’s specific needs and problem situations
② Performance evaluation
  • Quantitatively evaluate the performance of various models
  • Establish a strategy to minimize the risk of over/underfitting
③ Model selection
  • Select the most optimized model based on performance evaluation

④ Hyper Parameter Tuning

  • Hyperparameters to optimize the performance of the selected model
  • perform tuning Improve generalization ability through cross-validation

⑤ Model distribution and monitoring

  • Deploy models for use in real-world environments
  • Continuously monitor, update and maintain the performance of deployed models

Our Solutions : SaaS (Partner Solutions)

Cloocus provides various 3rd party data & We provide differentiated data analysis services using artificial intelligence solutions.

Customer Story

Hyundai Motors Group

Hyundai Motors Group conducted a project to predict battery life of electric vehicles using Azure Databricks with Cloocus.
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Dankook University

With Cloocus, Dankook University implemented a student enrollment forecast model based on Big Data analytics platform on Azure Databricks.
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Increase your business competitiveness through Cloocus’ dedicated AI center.

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