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Customer Journey

Build custom CRM marketing solutions that enhance customer experience

Customer value can be maximized by optimizing the 5A customer journey steps leading up to the purchase decision.

Cloocus provides customized CRM & We build digital marketing solutions. Customized CRM & enhances customer experience Get started with digital marketing consulting!

What We Offer

Cloocus’ mission is to analyze customer data, establish strategies, and based on this, design, build, and operate IT infrastructure that improves customer experience. We provide 1:1 strategic consulting based on customer data, and the data includes both structured and unstructured data.

5A optimization strategy to secure loyal customers

Touch point
Data type
Data collection
Data analysis
Data application

Service scope (5 value propositions)

Customer Data Utilization Strategy
CRM strategy consulting
through customer data Creating business value Presenting strategies and implementation tactics for
O2O marketing strategy consulting
ONLINE/OFFLINE customers Integrating customer experience throughout the journey, Presenting strategies to create business value
Membership system design
Usage in Customer View Convenience and corporate view System design considering operational efficiency
CRM campaign design
Customer data analysis results Plan a campaign based on to maximize CRM operation performance
Customer Data Integration
Development of customer data integration methodology

Distributed across each operating system Integrate customer data, for creating business value rule design

Analysis mart design/construction

Analyze integrated customer data and for use in campaigns. Derived variable design and DB implementation

Structured/unstructured data Integrated mart design/construction
WED on existing customer data Integrate LOG·IOT data, DB design with VALUE UPGRADE /avatar
Customer Data Analysis
Customer data analysis

Customer Lifetime Value and Customer Journey Achievements at each stage of the award For measuring and checking Status analysis

Customer Segmentation
Maximize target marketing performance Best Practice-based Utilize your know-how to serve your customers Optimized customer segment definition
Advanced analysis

AI/machine learning based Predictive / recommendation modeling and Perform real-time analysis

Unstructured data analysis

WEB LOG·CLICK STREAM· IoT and SOCIAL MEDIA BUZZ Through analysis, Customer journey analysis

Customer Data Application
CRM solutions
integrated customer data Based on sales, customer service, Carry out marketing activities, etc. Dynamics 365 Offer for
Power platform
Microsoft 365,Dynamics 365, Azure service apps together Connect your customers end-to-end Build a management solution
Cloud infrastructure
Microsoft Azure Cloud Utilize based customer data Infrastructure construction
Operation Service
Customer data analysis agency
Key customer management indicators so that you can easily check Monthly, quarterly and yearly analysis Report provided
CRM campaign planning and operation
Target for CRM Campaigns Customer extraction channel selection content Planning and performance evaluation reports Throughout the entire campaign process, operating agency
Growth Hacking Service
In the Digital MKT~CRM area Customer journey through AARRR* Analyze/manage each touch accordingly Increase conversion rate at point Maximize digital marketing effectiveness
System operation agency
CRM/BI solution·Cloud Infrastructure/integrated DB management/operation Through the service, the customer’s CRM work will run smoothly support to help

Our Solutions

Cloocus supports smart work solutions based on various references.

Power BI

Power Apps

Power Pages

Power Automate

Power Virtual Agents

Customer Story


Find out the painpoints CTR had and why it transformed its system into Dynamics365 and PowerPlatform.
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KBL Korea Basketball League

Hyundai Motors Group conducted a project to predict battery life of electric vehicles using Azure Databricks with Cloocus.
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Utilizing Dynamics 365 and Power Platform Join Cloocus, CRM marketing expert

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