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[Press] Cloocus Signed Strategic Partnership with GitHub to Provide Licensing and Consulting

By March 4, 2020 No Comments


GitHub Korea Country Manager Mike Kim and Cloocus COO Sang-chul Cho


  • Cloocus and GitHub conclude Channel Partnership – Expansion of Professional Services even on Development
  • Cloocus offers DevSecsOps which is improvement of DevOps through the partnership with GitHub
  • Cloocus, a Microsoft Gold DevOps Competency Specialist groupzGaining the upper hand in the competitiveness of game market by enhancing its R&D services.

March 04 2020 – Cloocus (, CEO, Steve Hong), a consulting and management company of Microsoft Azure announced that it signed strategic partnership with GitHub (, Korea Country Manager, Mike Kim), to provide GitHub’s supply of licensing and consulting.

GitHub is a platform that tens of millions of developers are cooperating and is also more than 12 million code repositories are hosted. Microsoft, an active promoter of open source policies, acquired GitHub, is providing developers with an open platform at all stages of the development lifecycle, from ideation to collaboration and deployment to the cloud. Microsoft provides not only DevOps which can optimize the enterprise’s productivity and collaboration, but also developers’ solution which is digital transformation era optimized, by maximizing the value of open sources.

Cloocus, the only company in Korea that holds all of the Microsoft-certified core cloud capabilities of the Gold level, will expand its service offerings to the GitHub through this partnership. In addition to providing the integrated package services for game development, It is also designed to build and provide DevSecOps through the GitHub platform, which can add security and compliance to the DevOps environment that it has previously consulted.

“We are now able to provide even better service to our customers with features on Azure, GitHub or by combining both,” said Sang-chul Cho, COO of Cloocus. “Through the professional knowledges and guidance that both of the platforms provide, we are planning to provide service that can support seamless integration.”

“This strategic partnership with Cloocus enables us to offer our combined strengths of Azure DevOps and GitHub to the Korean enterprise customers” said Mike Kim, Country Manager of GitHub. “GitHub will be the best site for production and consumption of open source software through the community’s professional knowledges, and Not only the End-to-End product integration by Azure DevOps’s enterprise experience but also we are expecting to provide the service that can satisfy the needs of various enterprise customers.”


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