Cloud Migration

Accelerate cloud adoption with a proven cloud framework!

Based on the Cloud Adoption Framework(CAF), Cloocus accurately analyzes the customer`s needs,
IT environment, and business goals to present an optimal migration roadmap.
We also support building a stable cloud migration based on practical application cases and technical references in various industries.

Cloud Migration Process

Supports digital transformation of enterprises with a strategic cloud deployment process.


Cloud Consulting
  • Discovery Workshop
  • Assessment
  • Migration Plans
System Analysis
  • Assessment
  • TCO / Application Analysiss
  • Architecture Optimization
  • PoC
Migration Strategy
  • Data Migration Plan
  • Prioritize Application
  • Propose the Best Solution
Cloud Migration
  • Workload Capture
    / Distribute
  • Sync Workload
  • Build Monitoring System
  • Stress Test(*)
Operation &
  • Final test
  • Final Sync & Cutover
  • Operation Team Handover
  • Start Managed Service

Motivation to Consider Cloud Adoption

Migration Triggers
  • Save costs
  • Reduce complexity
  • Optimize operations
  • Increase business agility
Prepare for new technical capabilities
Scale to meet demand
Innovation Triggers
  • Improve experiences and engagements
  • Transform products or servies
  • Disrupt markets

Cloud Building Methodology (4R)

Among the four migration methodologies, we present the most optimal method by analyzing client’s needs and system environment.

Minimal changes to
the entire architecture

· Reduce CapEX

· Free up datacenter space

· Quick cloud ROI

Minor changes to
the app design and code

· Faster, shorter, updates

· Code portability

· Greater cloud efficiency
(Resources, Speed, Cost)

Expand and optimize
the cloud with app scaling

· App scale and agility

· Easier adoption of new cloud capabilities

· Mix technology stacks

New codebases written
with cloud-native approach

· Accelerate innovation

· Build apps faster

· Reduce operational cost


Migration Strategy and Key Technologies for Business Goals

Target Rehost Refactor Rearchitect Rebuild Primary Technology
Quick conversion to the cloud IaaS, DBaaS
Minimally changing the architecture and code IaaS, DBaaS
Quickly securing the data center space IaaS, DBaaS
Reducing the costs of existing applications IaaS, DBaaS
Utilizing existing investments IaaS, PaaS, Containers
Effectively meeting the scalability needs of existing applications in terms of costs PaaS, Containers
Implementing business agility for continuous innovation PaaS, Containers
Easy integration with other web and cloud apps PaaS, Serverless
Invigorating access to multiple channels including mobile and IoT PaaS, Serverless
Providing new and innovative functions more quickly PaaS, Serverless

Azure Cloud Adoption Framework(CAF)

Cloocus provides a global level of end-to-end cloud management service with minimal risk based on Azure Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF).

Azure CAF is designed to accelerate the cloud adoption process with guides, implementation guidelines, and best practices provided by Microsoft.

   Cloocus Offering

Define Strategy

  • Cloud strategy and vision
    / roadmap definition

Discovery Workshop


  • Assessment
  • Develop a migration plan

Solution Assessment


  • Cloud skills training and testing
  • Landing zone
  • Best practice validation

Cloocus Academy

Azure Start Offer



  • Migration
  • First workload migration
  • Expanded scenarios
  • Best practice validation
  • Process improvements

Azure Migration Program

Scale Factory


  • Innovation guide
  • Expanded Scenarios
  • Best practice validation
  • Process Improvements

Cloud Modernization Factory



  • Methodology · Benchmark
  • Initial best practice Governance maturity

Cloud Managed Service


  • Business commitments
  • Operations baseline
  • ops maturity

Cloud Managed Service


Cloud Practical Training Program

Cloocus Academy operates Cloud Practical Training programs that students can learn technical skills and best practices based on practical work for each workload in a short period of time.

Cloocus Academy is an accredited certification training center by Microsoft that has earned the Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) certification.

Introduction to Cloocs Academy